B2B Zone
Emmanuel Dzadeyson
Emmanuel Dzadeyson

Emmanuel Dzadeyson

Research & Development
@ iMass Innovation
Visiting 2 Events
9 Connections
0% Match


I am young Entrepreneur who will develop capacity through the transfer and development of knowledge, skills and technical know-how among experienced entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be from various Regional economies. Entrepreneurial education is a process relying on the transfer of knowledge and ingenuity from successful entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs-to-be, leading to long-term capacity building and innovation initiatives. We are focusing on the most needed and transformative sectors of the digital economy, which offer promise of sustained and sustainable growth and inclusive employment. One of the major themes of the workshop is female entrepreneurship, related to inspiring female creativity and improving gender inclusion. Experience sharing during the workshop will further facilitate both internal and regional applicability through dissemination of acquired skills within the participants’ home economies and other regional sectors
Meeting Objective
Partnership in Business development
iMass Innovation

iMass Innovation

iMass Inovation’s mission to “Develop 21st Century Knowledge and Skills For All,” “Integrate HRD into the Global Economy,” and “Address the Social Dimensions of Globalization,” focusing on youth to develop talent, deepen skilled participation in West Africa labor market, and cultivate youth capacity in the global digital era. The project is also in line with the key initiatives, such as “Regional Framework for Youth Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship”, “Action Plan of Regional Education Strategy”, and “Regional Framework on Human Resources Development in the Digital Age”. Participants will share start-up experiences in each economy to encourage youth employment, policies to increase youth employment prospects, and policies related to youth labor mobility.
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