Upcoming Events in Serbia
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Event Type
Bureau equipment and supplies (computers, printers, paper and spare parts), equipment for transfer and telecommunications, communications equipment...
Presentation of Domestic and Foreign Book Production, Buying and Selling of Copyrights, Records, Audio and Video media, Art Reproductions, Exhibiti...
Belgrade Children's Fair. Garments, Shoewear, Food, Toys, Children’s Cosmetics, Furniture, Services related to Children Education, Creative Works...
International Convention and Fair of Cosmetics, Solariums Equipment, Wellness, Spa and Hair care
International Fairs of Hunting, Fishing and Sport
Sports Expo features industry professionals, sporting goods manufacturers and vendors, sports clubs, societies and associations as well as private ...
International Energy Fair. Electric Power Production in Hydroelectric and Thermoelectric Power Plants, Cogeneration, Electric Power Transmission an...
Fire protection, flood, earthquake, chemical accidents management. Emergency management. Occupational Safety and Health Care
Electro medical Equipment, Laboratory Technology, Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Medical Technology, Work Outfits, Drugs, Dental Equipment, Medical equ...