5 Tips to Optimize Your Event Website

event website

A event website can be a great way to get the visibility you need to draw the most engaged and largest attendees. There are many ways to improve your website, no matter how great it is.

You need to assess the effectiveness of your website’s design, and make improvements in order to engage the largest audience. Below is a list of five strategies that you can use in order to make sure your website’s quality matches the event’s.

Web Analytics

You need to track how many people visit your website and where they came from. This will help you maintain a successful event site. This information will allow you to determine if your website is turning people into attendees. Google Analytics is the best web analytics tool available today.

Simply put, if you don’t use web analytics, you won’t know how effective your website is in selling your event.

[Want to know more about The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Event Tickets]

A/B Testing

A/B testing allows for you to compare different versions of a website to determine which version is more engaging. These tests will show you which words or images are most popular with visitors.

A/B testing used required a lot technical knowledge. But thanks to services such as Optimizely you can now experiment with different headlines and calls to action without having to rely on developers.

Heat Mapping

Heat mapping allows you to see where visitors click most often on your site and how far they scroll down the page. These maps are color-coded and show which areas of your website are most popular with your visitors. Using heat mapping tools such as Crazy Egg. you can quickly identify problems on your site.

Imagine you have asked the same question repeatedly and it is answered at the bottom of your website. You would see a scroll-tracking heatmap that shows that only a few people get to that point, so you might want to place that information higher up.


The first impressions are often the most lasting. It’s important to make sure that web visitors are able to understand your content and engage with it as soon as possible. To understand the experience of your visitors, use tools such as Usability hub’s Five Second Test

This service measures peoples’ first impressions by showing them your design five seconds. After the five-second time limit expires, testers are asked questions about their memories. You may have to redesign your design or copy if testers are unable to recall the primary message of your event website (such as date range and location).

Feedback From Attendees

The best way to understand your website’s performance is often using traditional methods. Asking people about their experience at your event will give you the best insight possible.

Send a survey to your attendees after the event using SurveyMonkey. Ask them what they know about your event. If the information received from your website is not satisfactory, you may need to revise your site’s content. Talk to your attendees at the event to find out how they came across the website. Also, ask them what prompted them to register or purchase tickets.

Every event website is still in development. You can improve even the most successful websites by constantly testing and optimizing. You will be amazed at how much engagement you can get from your website if you keep refining your message or design.